Sunday, March 4, 2018

Me, My Rules, and I

So it turns out that coming up with a practical yet interesting documentary for someone at my age to do is actually quite difficult. However, that does not mean that it is already time to throw in the towel. On the contrary, actually. 

I've given myself the liberty of just about the entire week to be able to find interesting subjects worth me documenting. However, there are some things that I had to take into account before I set out to find some topics. I've laid out my self-impose guidelines below:
  1. Do not choose a topic that cannot be completed within the given timeframe.
  2. Do not choose a topic that requires an egregious amount of interviews to portray whichever message you choose to portray.
  3. Don't choose something boring. Don't be afraid to try something unique.
The purpose of these guidelines is to give me a basic idea of the topics that I may be able to touch upon for this topic.

#1 reminds me that I do have a very finite amount of time to develop this entire piece, so I cannot choose a very broad or extensive topic, for I will surely lose track of time and it will be a repeat of last year once more.

#2 is really a guideline that I debated heavily with myself before setting it in stone (or online I suppose). While I do believe that having a wide range of interviewees tends to bolster the strength in the message of most documentaries, my biggest concern is that these interviews will eat up my time-which is something I simply cannot afford for this piece.

#3 is not much of a guideline but I believe that it is the most important for me to keep in mind while searching for topics. Many times, I have found myself thinking of many secure and unimaginative themes, which is always a concern of mine when it comes to developing an original piece. I want to be sure that no matter the topic that I choose, it is a subject that really is unique to me and truly represents who I am as a creative force.

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